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From Web Science Brasil

Revision as of 15:29, 5 May 2010 by Simone (Talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Brazilian Institute for Web Science Research's wiki! This is an opportunity to find updated information about our research work, ongoing discussions and unpublished manuscripts. While some pages are public, only wiki members can edit pages and access private wiki areas. If you are a wiki member and would like to make a page public, please contact



The list of publications can be found in the Publications page.

Project Areas


  • CNPq contract signed: 557.128/2009-9 (INCT em Ciência da WEB)
  • Cooperation agreement being signed: Universität Koblenz-Landau Universität Koblenz-Landau Institute for Web Science and Technologies Koblenz, represented by Mr. Roman Heiligenthal, President, and his authorized representative, Mr. Steffen Staab, Germany and Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Department of Informatics & Brazilian Web Science Research Institute Brazil, represented by Dr Marco Casanova and Dr Carlos José Pereira de Lucena
  • We have been confirmed as members of the Web Science Trust Network of Research Labs (WSTNet). The official announcement will be made in Jan 2010.
04/12/2009 Our first workshop date and location have been confirmed: 12-13/Apr/2010 at PUC-Rio
27/10/2009 CNPq: waiting for project approval, everything should be ready by December 4th.
27/10/2009 FAPERJ contracts were signed: E-26/170028/2008 (Programa INC&T - Projeto: Instituto Brasileiro de Pesquisa em Ciência da Web)
02/11/2009 Institute logo was approved.

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