Main Page
From Web Science Brasil
Welcome to the Brazilian Institute for Web Science Research's wiki! This is an opportunity to post and find updated information about our research work, ongoing discussions and unpublished manuscripts.
For now, only wiki members can see and edit wiki pages. Since very few people knows this wiki exists, for now anyone that accesses the wiki URL ( can create an account. This will be changed after our project participants have finished creating their accounts.
We hope to have some pages ready to be publicized to anonymous visitors soon. If you would like to make a page public, please contact
Member Institutions
This list is under constructions, due to the need of verifying all collaborations.
- Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação - COPPE/UFRJ
- Departamento de Informática - PUC-Rio
- Instituto de Computação - UNICAMP
- Departamento de Ciência da Computação - IM/UFRJ
- 3 more to be listed
Current Status
- FAPERJ: We have already signed the contracts, wainting for money.
- CNPq: waiting for project approval, everything should be ready before December 4th.
- Logo: Approved
The first Workshop will be realized from 12/04/2010 to 14/04/2010 at PUC-Rio. The second Workshop will be realized at UFRJ.